Blog Archives

Traditional Owner Settlement Negotiations Could Resolve Western Highway Dispute

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation is calling on the Victorian Government to expedite their drawn-out settlement negotiations in order to resolve the road dispute on the Western Highway. The Traditional Owner nation publicly support the road project which will save the culturally significant trees and will continue to undergo due diligence with an ongoing invitation for

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Aboriginal Victorians Talk Treaty

18/07/2016 – The Andrews Labor Government’s commitment to advancing self-determination for Aboriginal Victorians has taken another step forward with the commencement of the Treaty Interim Working Group. This creation of the group was an outcome of the recent regional and state-wide forums focused on self-determination. This group will provide advice on the process and timing

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Jordan Edwards named Victorian Mr NAIDOC 2016

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation congratulates one of its citizen’s, Jordan Kamara Edwards, on being crowned this Mr NAIDOC 2016. Merinda Dryden from Shepparton was crowned Miss NAIDOC. The Victorian NAIDOC committee announced Edwards’ award last Saturday, to coincide with NAIDOC week, which celebrates cultural pride. The week, which was an initiative in the 1920’s, driven by Aboriginal

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Traditional Owners Lodge Native Title Claim over the Grampians

30/05/2016 – Victorian Traditional Owners have lodged a native title claim over Gariwerd National Park (the Grampians). Community meetings were held late last year for all Traditional Owners who claim rights and interests in the park. At the meetings, the groups decided to come together and form a joint claim as ‘The Gariwerd Native Title

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Country Planning

A Country Plan for EMAC land and waters has been completed and sets out our aspirations for Country. Eastern Maar citizens came together in a conversation about our future. In doing this, we honour those who have gone before us and acknowledge the sacrifices and successes of Maar citizens who have passed on. It represents the

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Koornong Maar Laka

Young People Talking… Kicking off the Eastern Maar youth arts and digital media project.

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Get involved

Mendia Kermond-Clarke outlines the Eastern Maar youth arts and digital media project.

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